Just after 2 am [and about 10 minutes after I finish praying for a room to become available] we are taken up to Owen's room. Or should I say deluxe suite, because I have rarely seen such a nice hospital room. Evidently our hospital has a newly renovated wing of upscale rooms. Since there were no other beds available [and since Owen's ailment is of the non-communicable variety] he was able to use a room there as overflow. The room was huge. And nice. There was a nice sleep-chair and a padded window seat that could be used to rest on. And they offered me blankets, sheets, and pillows. Unlike the time 3 years ago when I spent 17 days in the hospital, and my poor mother and husband had to beg, borrow, or steal even a crappy blanket to use in the crappy chair in my crappy hovel of a room. Not that I'm bitter about it. I even took pictures [of Owen's room, not my crappy one]; they're back up at the beginning.
Just after 2 am [and about 10 minutes after I finish praying for a room to become available] we are taken up to Owen's room. Or should I say deluxe suite, because I have rarely seen such a nice hospital room. Evidently our hospital has a newly renovated wing of upscale rooms. Since there were no other beds available [and since Owen's ailment is of the non-communicable variety] he was able to use a room there as overflow. The room was huge. And nice. There was a nice sleep-chair and a padded window seat that could be used to rest on. And they offered me blankets, sheets, and pillows. Unlike the time 3 years ago when I spent 17 days in the hospital, and my poor mother and husband had to beg, borrow, or steal even a crappy blanket to use in the crappy chair in my crappy hovel of a room. Not that I'm bitter about it. I even took pictures [of Owen's room, not my crappy one]; they're back up at the beginning.
Posted by
9:43 PM
Labels: owen
bailey's video
Click here to view the video that Bailey made and posted on YouTube!
Posted by
6:26 PM
techie kids
Friday night Bailey and his friend Matthew worked on making a movie. He was so proud of it that I told him I'd post it on the Internet so everyone could see. They worked pretty hard on it. He recorded some footage from one of his video games (Fire Emblem) and burned it to a CD so he could work with it on the computer. Add some background music ["All Alone" by Kutless] and he had a finished product. I'm glad that Bailey is enjoying his Advanced Computers class enough to work on it during the weekend. Once it's uploaded to YouTube I'll post a link.
Also, click here to visit the blog of the guy who was able to unlock the iPhone. He's 17. And he's just starting college. **Sigh** And here I was feeling good about the fact that I even know my way around my little uncomplicated cellphone. He's already sold it [traded it, rather], so you can put your wallet away now. But, he gives step-by-step instructions on his blog for you to unlock one yourself, in case you're so inclined.
Posted by
2:49 PM
Labels: bailey
all things austen
Posted by
12:13 PM
Labels: stuff i like
fun with hamsters
Julia's hamster, Mini, goes for a drive with the top down.
Collin enjoys his new hamster. He named her Dig. Very appropriate, since she does.
Collin and Dig check each other out.
Yes, I know. I really do! We are having way too much fun with these hamsters.
Posted by
12:01 PM
hamsta in da house!
This is Oreo, Libby's hamster. He is such a sweetie. And isn't he adorable? Julia's hamster, Mini, is buried under the pine shavings to his left. I'll get a better picture soon. We are officially down to three hamsters right now (including Bailey's hamster, Bijou) because I packed up Collin's hamster in a carrying case with food and water and had Owen take her back to the pet store today. We were just having way too many problems with her. She was very aggressive with the other hamsters-rushing at them, attacking, and intimidating them. She also bit. A lot. And hard, too. We noticed about a day after Owen brought them all home that Collin's hamster (I promptly named her Chopper) was actually missing her back left foot. We're not sure if she was born that way or had an accident, but we attributed her defensiveness to that and understood why she might behave that way. She was moving around fine and even ran on the hamster wheel in the cage. But yesterday I noticed that she was picking on the others unprovoked, causing much squeaking from the hamster cage. Since she's supposed to be Collin's, I figured we needed to find one that was gentler. He wasn't too excited about getting bit by her all the time-can't imagine why! So, we'll see what Owen brings home today. Fortunately there is no microwave involved with this fiesty hamster! [check out the comments on "high school musical and hamsters" for this backstory - sorry, Megan, I just couldn't resist]
Update: Owen called just after I posted-the pet store was happy to exchange Chopper for a timid little hamster that was just brought out from the back. Sure, keep all the friendly hamsters IN THE BACK! Anyway, we'll see how things go with the new one when Owen gets home from work tonight.
Posted by
12:02 PM
a weekend of high school musical and hamsters
Also, Bailey's best friend gave him a hamster with all the trimmings this weekend. Yes, our first rodent! [At least it's the first one I've ever known about.] Of course the other kids went gaga over the cute little thing [she really is cute-I had no idea!] so Owen bowed to the pressure and went out and got the other kids their own hamsters and the trappings. *Sigh* Right now it's all good, but I'll update you in a week or so when the thrill is gone.
Bailey and his friend have been into the hamster thing for awhile-they found this great hamster video on YouTube [sidebar] that your kids might enjoy as well. Check it out-it's pretty catchy!
Posted by
5:28 PM
new school year, new school
Posted by
5:16 PM
Labels: kids, school stuff
Posted by
4:56 PM
Anyway. Back to my funny story. After a day of errands, packing, cleaning, 2 well-child visits, and new school interviews, I come home to look at my list to see what is still left to be done. I realize that I haven't made the gluten-free bread yet. So, at 9 pm, dead tired and still not done with for the day [night], I put the bread in the bread maker and go off to finish packing. A little while later I hear the bread machine knocking about and being extremely loud. Frowning, I I open the lid and peer inside. I stir it around with a spatula, but otherwise everything looks fine. But it's still really loud. When the timer goes off at 11:15 to take it out, I take it out in a dark kitchen and go up to bed.
This morning I am getting ready to put the bread into a bag when I notice a shiny silver something poking out the side of the loaf. What the heck? I pull away pieces of bread until I have in my hands a FORK. Inside the bread. All baked into it. I am about to blame one of those darn kids for putting flatware in my bread machine when I suddenly remember that I always use a fork to stir around the water, oil, and eggs before I add the mix. Except this time I left the fork in.
Posted by
7:32 AM
Yes, I'm at it again. Usually I'm pretty good about getting things done, but I have to admit that I have days when I either a) don't stop moving all day and get everything done and then some or b) can't seem to even get started. This seems like a B day. It didn't start out that way, but then it got hot or I got lazy or something. Usually my A days come right after I've lounged about finishing up a book, but I finished reading my last book several days ago and had some A days that I've used up already.
But I digress. I'm supposed to be getting everything ready for Owen and I to go on our weekend to Sonoma sans little fishes. I spent a good portion of yesterday online, researching all the ways we could spend our precious time up there. Owen seemed to be more interested in the restaurants I'd uncovered-I can just see us now, doing nothing except moving from restaurant to restaurant, fielding triple digit bills as we go. Anyway, today I need to focus on other immediate concerns, like making a list of necessary info and a schedule for Grammie to use, and cleaning the house, and doing the laundry, and going to the store, and start thinking about what I need to pack, and, well, you get the picture. Not nearly as exciting as daydreaming about Sonoma, is it? Right. Well, it's off to work I go, since I really do want to have everything organized when we leave town.
Posted by
10:56 AM
Labels: rants