

Collin and I went to Lowe's yesterday on a hunt. Our mission was to secure a variety of inexpensive seeds for Julia's science project [which is actually a seed collection]. On our way into the store, we went in through the garden area and I was immediately sidetracked by all the beautiful flowers. Camera in hand, we wandered down the outdoor aisles, looking for the most winning prospects to photograph. My favorite turned out to be this one. Aside from the delightful color and shape, I am really into those perfectly curled stamen! Nature creates the most awesome details.

We did actually get to the seeds, but not before Collin was sidetracked by the Christmas display set up inside. [I know. Christmas. In October. I just can't get into it.] Anyway, there was a train set up that was moving along a circular track through a tunnel in this Christmas mountain that Collin was just fascinated by. He adores trains. It's such a sweet little boy thing. So, we sat and watched the train go around and around for awhile before we selected our seeds and made for the checkout.

So now Julia and I have a science project to complete. All students at the kids' school do a science project [lucky me, we have three] but the kindergarten and first grades only have to submit a collection. Fortunately Julia's will be easy to complete. Between what I gathered around the house, those I received from my mom, and the ones from our foray into Lowe's, Julia has about 50 different seed specimens to display on her science board. I'm hoping to help Julia get hers done by Saturday night so that I can help Libby with hers next week. And then I get to make sure Bailey gets his done as well. Oh, the joy. How did my mother ever get through all this with five kids and still manage to hang on to her sanity?


Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...

Oh, I just love science projects. I help the kids every time they decide or have to do one. Even though Tsenu was a science teacher he can not think of things to do. The most important thing to remember is make the board creative. I can tell you how we decorated ours if you want because not only did my kids get first place, they got best of show!
You can find great ideas online for the projects.
And I love the picture!